Monday 24 January 2011

Missing Paintings from Glasgow's Kelvingrove are Returned

Federico Barocci, 1535-1612, a mannerist painter in Urbino, Italy during the Renaissance, is at the centre of an investigation of art works that were stolen during the 1990's. Three paintings, including a Barocci belonging to the Kelvingrove Art Museum have now been returned to the Glasgow Museums after being missing for nearly ten years.

Officers reopened the investigation into the missing paintings when a senior curator from Kelvingrove noticed 'Wooded Landscape With Figures' by the French artist Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, one of the stolen artworks, in an auction catalogue from auctioneers Lyon and Turnbull.

It seems that after a thorough investigation, Strathclyde Police located the source of the Corot painting and later located the Barocci at the source's home.

The paintings, which had all disappeared in the 90's, were part of a larger, more worrying concern. The Kelvingrove, among other institutions under the Glasgow City Council remit, were found to have unsatisfactory arrangements for recording artefacts and their locations , according to an audit carried out as part of the inquiry. Furthermore, according to the Scottish Herald; it appears that Glasgow City Council had received an anonymous letter, which;
spoke of paintings “being taken by at least one member of staff and sold on the black market” in an operation that has been going on for “at least the past six years”
The Herald reports further;
A Lothian and Borders Police source confirmed yesterday that two paintings had been uncovered but that Strathclyde Police had confirmed it formed part of a “bigger investigation and that there may potentially be more pieces of art that can be uncovered as a result of the inquiries”.

A spokesman for Glasgow Life, the arm’s length agency running civic museums, libraries and leisure centres, said: “We’re very grateful for the work of the police in bringing these paintings home to Glasgow. However, every praise should be reserved for our senior curator whose keen eye illuminated the fact that the stolen Corot was up for auction. Without his wealth of knowledge and expertise, the works may still have been hanging on elsewhere.

“We will continue to work with UK police forces to ensure any stolen item is returned to Glasgow and we are grateful to the galleries who have readily assisted in this matter.”

Details of the alleged thefts from Glasgow Museums were an embarrassment to senior management, which had been in dispute with unions over plans to cut nearly 60 jobs, at the time.

The anonymous letter which triggered the inquiry said: “The ability for staff members not being detected lies in the fact there is apparently no proper documentation of what artefacts are in store and the availability of unlimited access by staff members to storerooms.

“I have heard of at least 10 paintings worth hundreds of thousands of pounds being taken over the past few years. My source of information is from one employee of the council. He has foolishly bragged about his involvement in the pilfering.

“The auditors had said the arrangements for recording artefacts and their locations was unsatisfactory. The arrangement for access to stores are also unsatisfactory and of concern. It is the auditors’ view that the present arrangements leave the collection vulnerable to theft.

“The inquiries confirm that a number of items cannot be accounted for and the full extent of the problem is not known.”

Strathclyde Police said: “We can confirm we are currently investigating and inquiries are ongoing into this matter.”
The three paintings; the afore mentioned landscape by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, another by Scottish colourist Samuel Peploe and the work by Italian Renaissance artist Federico Barocci, said to be worth around £200,000.00 collectively, are now 'safely' back in the hands of Glasgow City Council.

For further information please see:-

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