Tuesday 28 December 2010

Book Review - Medieval Lives by Terry Jones

If you want to read a concise and broad account of the different lives of people living in the 'Middle Ages'; that time being after the greco-roman classical period and before the later Renaissance period as first described by the Bishop Giovanni Andrea in 1469, then this is most definitely the book for you!

No nonsense, accessible, interesting and humorous, Terry Jones has managed to dispel all the myths taken for fact surrounding the life and society of this vast period in history. By selecting eight of the most popular figures that come to mind when we think of people in Medieval history; Peasant, Minstrel, Outlaw, Monk, Philosopher, Knight, Damsel and King, Mr Jones cuts through the superstitions and fabrications that have been passed down to us almost as fact;
Did you know for example, that medieval people didn't think the world was flat? That was a total fabrication by an American journalist in the nineteenth century. Did you know that they didn't burn witches in the Middle Ages? That was the refinement of the so-called Renaissance. In fact, medieval kings weren't necessarily merciless tyrants, and peasants entertained at home using French pottery and fine wine.
A most enlightening, entertaining and thought provoking read!

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